1. What this is about

While using www.valam.ch and related resources, such as, for example, social media profiles or the newsletter, the site visitor (hereinafter also “User“) is aware that he is using tools and content owned by Valori Asset Management SA Chiasso (TI-CH) (hereinafter also “Valori”), so he/she is obliged to comply with the terms of use set forth in this document.

2. Privacy e Cookie

The privacy policy and rules for the use of cookies are available on this site. Please read them carefully, as it is an integral part of this document

3. About us and how you can contact us

Valori Asset Management SA, Chiasso (TI-CH) is registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Ticino under the number CHE-179,959,647 and is licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a collective asset manager within the meaning of Art. 2 para. 1 lit. c in conjunction with Art. 5 para. 1 of the Federal Act on Financial Institutions (FFI, SR 954.1).

Valori Asset Management SA, Chiasso (TI-CH) is the owner of www.valam.ch and related resources

To communicate with us, the following references are available.

Viale Alessandro Volta, 16 – CH-6830 Chiasso

Tel: +41 (0)91 695 80 80

@mail: info@valam.ch

4. General terms and conditions for the use of online resources

Binding Nature of Terms of Use. By accessing the site and/or online resources made available by Valori, the User agrees to be bound by the terms set forth herein in the version in effect at the time of individual access.

Disclaimer. Valori provides the site and online resources free of charge and without warranty as to the availability, usefulness, completeness, safety and/or reliability of the tools and content posted. To obtain information and/or binding offers, please contact our offices via e-mail info@valam.ch.

The content of the site should not be considered advice or a recommendation aimed at underwriting financial products or investment services and activities. The site is not linked to and does not provide the basis for any contract or unilateral commitment.

Intellectual Property. All material published or otherwise found on the site-including trademarks, logos, domain names, images, releases, articles, and documents generally reproduced therein-are the property of Valori or third parties and are protected by copyright and trademark laws. All rights are reserved.

Hyperlink Policy. Subject to the right of revocation at any time, the User is authorized to share direct hyperlinks to our site (including links to internal pages) and to other online resources, provided that the use (i) takes place outside of a competitive relationship with Valori, (ii) is fair and in good faith, and (iii) is not in any way detrimental to the image of Valori and/or its organs, managers and/or employees. The incorporation, in part or in full, of the contents of the site into other online and/or offline sites or resources is, on the other hand, prohibited and will be prosecuted civilly and criminally.

Third-party content and services, external links to the Site. The Site and online resources incorporate links to sites, resources and services outside the relevant domain (in particular, www.valam.ch). Valori has no control over such sites and resources, particularly of the profile of security, quality of information and data protection, so we assume no responsibility in this regard.

Links to Web sites maintained by third parties are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute any form of advice, endorsement, or recommendation of such Web sites or the material contained therein. Valori assumes no responsibility for information contained on other sites that can be accessed by hyperlink from this Web site or for those sites not always being available. Valori has not reviewed, nor will it review or update, such Web sites or information, and any use make by the User of such Web sites and information is at your own risk. Please note that when you click on any hyperlink to an external site you will leave this Web site. You should review the privacy policies of such Web sites before providing any personal or confidential information.

User Behavior Obligations. By accessing and using the site and other online resources, the User agrees to use such tools (including e-mail, phone number, social media profiles, newsletters, etc.) in a manner that is lawful, respectful of our rights and those of third parties (including other users) as well as in accordance with this document. In particular, the User agrees to:

  • not transmit content that is illicit, harassing, offensive, discriminatory, threatening, harmful, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate;
  • not to use the site (and other online resources) and the information contained therein to engage in unlawful, fraudulent, or infringing acts against the rights of third parties, including copyright and personality rights;
  • disclose personal data only with the prior and express consent of the persons concerned, after fully informing them about the related personal data processing;
  • communicate current and truthful data and information;
  • refrain from disseminating and distributing to third parties any material that is not in the public domain (including: correspondence, bids, technical information, contracts, recommendations, etc.) without our prior written permission;
  • ensure that your computing devices are protected (e.g., through antivirus and firewalls) and free of malicious elements (such as malware, viruses, Trojan horses, etc.)
  • not to use means of any kind, including software, to interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation of the site and other online resources or to hinder the usability of the services by users.

Liability of Users. By accessing and using the site and other online resources, the User agrees to hold Valori and its organs, managers and employees harmless and indemnified from any damage and/or prejudice and/or loss of earnings, whether financial or moral, resulting from the illicit and/or non-compliant use of the site and other online resources.

What is contained on this site is published for informational use only about the products and services offered by Valori and does not and cannot be considered an offer to the public of financial instruments or products or the promotion of investment services and activities.

The information on this Web site does not take into account the investment objectives, special needs, or financial situation of any investor. Furthermore, nothing on this Web site can, or is intended to, constitute financial, legal, accounting or tax advice.

Any opinion, article, commentary, financial analysis, market forecast, market commentary, or other similar information posted on the Web site is not binding on Valori nor can Valori be held responsible for the opinions or information offered.

Deletion of content and exclusion of Users. Valori reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to restrict, partially or completely, access and/or use of the site and other online resources to specific Users (in particular, the newsletter and social media profiles), as well as to delete content without prior notice (including content posted by Users on our social profiles), particularly when there are indications of potential activities or behavior that does not comply with this document.

Service interruption. Any liability in case of malfunctioning or unavailability of the site and other online resources (including e-mail, plug-ins for secure document sending and contact form where available) is excluded, in particular where this is attributable to external events (e.g.: internet network interruptions, malfunctioning of the User’s devices, cyber attacks, black-outs, etc.) or as part of ordinary or extraordinary maintenance works. In case of urgency during periods of temporary unavailability of the site, the User may contact Valori by phone or e-mail.

5. Information about this Web site

The information on this Site is provided in good faith and reasonable care has been taken to ensure that such information is accurate, current and fit for its intended purpose. To the extent that any information on this Site relates to a third party, such information has been provided by such third party and is the sole responsibility of such third party and, as such, Valori assumes no responsibility for such information. No representation or warranty of any kind is made as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, completeness or timeliness of the information on this Web Site or the error-free use of this Web Site and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Valori assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information. No warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus are made in conjunction with the information, materials, products, and services on the Web site. All opinions expressed herein are those of the authors, are based on available information, and are subject to change without notice.

6. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Applicable Law. The use of the site and related services (including social media profiles), as well as the purchase and enjoyment of all kinds of goods and services, is governed by Swiss substantive law, in particular the Civil Code (CC; RS 210) and the Code of Obligations (CO; RS 220).

Jurisdiction. Any dispute arising out of or simply related to the use of the Site and related services (including social media profiles), as well as the purchase and use of any kind of goods and services, subject to any mandatory rules of law, shall be resolved by the competent Court for the District of Lugano. However, Valori shall have the right to bring the matter before the competent Court at the registered office, branch or domicile of the User.